Friday, May 20, 2005

ooohhhh!!! survey!!

Stolen shamelessly from Thunder Road.....

 High School Quiz Thing




1. What year was it? 1991-1995

2. What were your three favorite bands? TLC, SnoppDogg, and SWV  
3. What was your favorite outfit? Ohh... what ever I actually PURCHASED from a store, as I was still mostly in mom's homemade outfits.
4. What was up with your hair? *thinks*  medium length, nappy & natural as hell, usually in cornrows under a headpiece.

 5. Who were your best friends?  Ella, Elisha, JJ, Felix, Frankeya, LaNina, Mitchell & Nee.

6. What did you do after school? Debate Club or work

7. Where did you work? The local public library - yeah, I was a nerdy nerd even then.

8. Did you take the bus? Sometimes I walked, sometimes my mom dropped me off. I lived a BLOCK too close to the school to ride the bus
9. Who did you have a crush on? Ohhh... Ricky. Star basketball player. I was just the smart girl who MIGHT let you copy her homework.

10. Did you fight with your parents? Nah - I was just secretly evil, and did my best to never get caught.
11. Who did you have a CELEBRITY crush on? Marina Sirtis & Johnathen Fraker  (Also known as Deanna Troi & Commander Riker from Star Trek: Next Generation....) (see - told you I was a nerdy nerd).

12. Did you smoke cigarettes? Nope!

13. Did you lug all of your books around in your backpack all day because you were too nervous to find your  locker?   Nope - I usually left them home, actually. Though I did hate my locker, never had to worry about finding it though - our school only had about 350 students - and being the in the 'senior' class all the time helped. I started highschool in the 9th grade, they started the 'Academy (better known as the Acadummy by the 'normal' school kids) in my tenth grade, and I started going there in tenth grade - so we were always the top of the crop - which means we had the best lockers on the first floor.
14. Did you have a 'clique'? Yeah - the 'smart' kids - nerdy nerds, all of us.

15. Admit it, were you popular?  Nah....A lot of people KNEW me (one of the few Muslim girls in the school, and the smartest kid in the school period - besides having the funktastic last name? Yeah - people knew of me, at least).

16. Who did you want to be just like? Hmm...nobody really.

17. What did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be an artise. Or at the very least, filthly rich. I had simple dreams.

18. Where did you think you'd be at the age you are now? least two kids, a published book or two, and at least one showing in a well known art gallery. HAH! Didn't think I would be married though - I mean, as a rich artist, I COULD be a single mom, right? I even had two of the sperm donors (artificial alllll the way) picked out.

My sophmore year picture - aren't I a sad looking little thing? Holy shit, I think I still OWN that jacket. I've been telling myself I need to get rid of it, but it's a Jones New York, dammit! Of course, the timy moth holes in the sleeve mean I hardly EVER wear it - but STILL. But yes, Nerdly McNerd I was. Damn.  Actually... that might be a linen jacket I used to own - the one I have now is the same damn color though. And we aren't even going to TALK about the glasses. Sweet mother of heaven.

Just to show ya'll the difference (and to prove I wasn't a nerdly mcnerd always) this is my senior picture. Amazing, isn't it? I LOVED those damn glasses. loved them, loved them, loved them. I barely look like the same girl/woman.


Sorry about the crappy picture quality - pictures of pictures never turn out well.

Random edit after staring at the difference (and looking at myself in the mirror): and somehow, my lips shrunk. Weird.

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