Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Okay, I stole this from Steel who stole it from Stealth.....

I've always wanted to do one of those, but since usually either my computer or camera was dead (or the house was in something very seriously approaching shambles) I never dared. Ask!! plleeeeasssseee??? I'm such a showoff. That's why I put it first - so everyone will see it.

Ok, here's the deal. Ask me to take a picture of anything in my life that you might want to see, and I will do it. Ask to see my house, my town, my car, my feet, my nose, my bed, my trash can, my washer, my toilet, my cats..nothing is off limits (besides the hubby and my bareskin - I'm not THAT much of a showoff. Besides - most of ya'll have seen him!!)
As soon as I get some requests ( If I get any at all!) I will post some lovely pictures. Ask and ye shall receive.
So there it is...request away. Think of the wild, the weird, the strange or the ordinary. Just ask and I shall click.




Heard back from the furniture people - only 375.00 for shipping - which is a HELL of alot less than I expected. And - I noticed that they only chared us for ONE ottoman, when we ordered two. *sshhhhh* Maybe it's a deal of some sort. *nods* Yeah, a deal. And since we requested contrasting colors on them, they KNOW we want two. So, Sweeeet. I need to fill out the info and fax this back to them TODAY. I would like to have it by the time my family comes to visit in July, but that might be cutting it close.

One of my coworkers is leaving them team, and we had a French breakfast for her this morning. There is something wonderfully decadent about walking into work, having fresh warm quiche, berry filled crossaints, and frappachinos.  Of course, I'm now going to alternate between beings tired and hyper all day - but DAMN, was it ever good.

Ah yes... I've been meaning to share this link with all the other cat-owned beings around here - it's utterly HILARIOUS and reminds me of my furry pair on a CONSTANT basis.

See - now I'm sleepily hyper. *bouncesnorebounce*

*sigh* I guess I should do some work.

Seriously - it might SOUND like I never work - but I do. It's just that I tend to get so much done so much faster than it's expected - I have to procrastinate in order to have SOMETHING to do everyday. Now, if I could just take Wednesday-Sunday off, I would NEVER be on OD. Hmm.......

Ah yes. I'm going to get the iPod. No doubt. Will wait till C get's his first check, but the iPod shall be MINE *muauauauahahhhhaaaa* I also need to check and be sure that he doesn't still plan on getting me the shuffle. I have advanced in my greed and want the full model now, dammit. Now - something else that totally rocks - as I was QUITE traumatized to find out that only the MINI's come in colors - and me? carrying an all white iPod? Uh-uh. Goes against all my fashion sense it does - the place here -  makes SKINS for iPods. Skins!! Sexy ones too - artsy and shtuff.  Oooohhh.....puuuuurrrty. 

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